Global Leadership Summit 2023 Notes

Craig Groeschel – The Future of Leadership Is Trust

As a leader, do you trust me? If you do trust me, why?

For those who don’t trust me? What have I ever done to you? Why not give the benefit of the doubt? 

Why do you trust? Why do you not trust?

If you met Craig 30 years ago, you’d be more likely to trust him now. 

Watching the evening news and believing what you watched. 30 years ago assumed belief. 

Years ago, you would assumed leadership had your best interest at heart. Today we are skeptical. This is a problem for all of us, because all of us are leaders. 

#1 biggest challenge leaders face today is people will not give you the benefit of the doubt. 

According to Edelman Trust Barometer – people don’t trust until they see evidence. 

Distrust is now society’s default. 

The Future of Leadership Is Trust

Your team will not naturally trust you. If they don’t trust you, they won’t follow you. 

Everyone leads when the leader get’s better. So how can we bridge the gap? How do we create a culture of trust? The answer is not a pizza party or playing games with your staff. Building trust today takes more intentionality. 

Transparency + Empathy + Consistency = Trust

Which quality do you need to develop the most. 

Transparency: A truth to share. 

We are selective or protective in what we share. 

People say you need to be guarding the pastors mystique. 

“Once we were ordained, we glow in the dark.” 

We are all weak, yet as leaders we feel this pressure to show something we really are not. 

Share professionally and personally. We have to be transparent. 

Often we feel okay to share when things are going well. When communication decreases, uncertainty increases. The unknown feels unsettling at best and threatening at worse. 

Don’t deceive the team into thinking things are okay. You build trust when you acknowledge things aren’t okay. You lose credibility when you don’t tell the truth. When they discover the truth the don’t feel included. ”Someone who doesn’t feel like they’re a part, will never bring their whole heart.”

Especially when things aren’t going well, acknowledge it. 

Personally have wisdom and strategy when sharing. Share your own insecurities as a leader. Are you leading out of fear or out of faith. If leading defensively you begin losing because you have to be putting points on the board. Transparency builds trust. People may be impressed with your strengths but they connect with your weaknesses. 

When you lead with transparency teams get closer, you solve problems faster, and trust grows stronger. 

Empathy: A heart to care.

Your team will never care about your mission if you don’t care about your team. 

Talk less and listen more. Don’t share your heart but get to know their heart.

Dr. Henry Cloud says you listen your way into 

LifeChurch 63 personal meetings or phone calls to care for them personally. 1:1 not 1:63.

Tell me what you’re most excited about in this season?

What would you love me to know about you?

If I could do one thing to make your life better what would it be?

Put the answers to these into your memory bank and ask them about the things that matter to them. You don’t just care about what they do but about who they are. This sets your team apart. 

I noticed, and you matter. 

Consistency: A culture to trust.

What’s it like to be on the other side of me?

Does your team ever wonder which you is about to walk into the meeting?

#1 reason team members don’t meet expectations because the expectations are rarely clear.

To create a culture of trust you need to be clear and consistent. 

Be clear what you expect, reward it when you see it, and correct it when you don’t.

It’s not what you do occasionally that matters, is what you do consistently. 

Consistency creates emotional safety, organizational clarity, and exponential impact. 

To earn trust you have to give trust. How do you know they are ready? The best way to figure out if you can trust someone is to trust someone. 

You may be disappointed if you trust too much, but you’ll always limit your leadership if you don’t trust enough.

You can trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. 

Everyone wins when the leader get’s better. 

David Ashcraft 

Our highest value at the Summit is actually humility. We have so much to learn about this mysterious powerful force we call leadership.

Armed with enough humility, anyone can learn from anyone.

Erin Meyer – How to develop an organizational culture. 


The biggest risk is no longer making a mistake. It is not being creative and innovative enough and we become irrelevant. One of the biggest challenges facing companies and organisations is whether they will be agile enough and creative enough to survive.

As you are thinking about how to articulate an organizational culture that impacts employee behaviors, avoid absolute positives. 

The word integrity for example. No company says their mission is to deceive everyone. 

A dilemma example, leading a marketing team…team instability. Are you going to share this information with your team now? Think in terms of dilemma’s. 

Three steps to employee freedom:

1. Increase talent density

2. Increase candor

3. Remove controls

Wait for the right people to walk in the door. 

Coach and give feedback. 

Process kills creative innovation. The Netflix experiment. 

A Great Workplace is

Stunning Colleagues

A great workplace is not espresso, lush benefits, sushi lunches, grand parties, or nice offices.

We do some of these things but only if they are efficient at attracting and retaining stunning colleagues.

The Keeper Test: 

An individual performance problem is never an individual problem. It always impacts the entire team. The best predictor of how a team will perform is not the average performer. It’s your lowest performers. Poor performance is especially contagious. 

The best predictor of how a team will perform comes down to what the worst performing team member is like.

The keeper test for managers: which of my people, if they told me they were leaving for a similar job at a peer company, should I fight hard to keep them? Would I feel relieved or devastated?

When you tell your employees you trust them to behave like adults, they’re more likely to behave like adults.

Lead with context not control. 

The decision making pyramid vs the decision making tree. 

A tree has 3 advantages. 

Young top talent today want to work for trees not pyramid. More flexible than a pyramid. A tree grows more quickly if the roots desire. 

As we gave employees more control over their lives and jobs, it began to dawn on me… freedom is not the opposite of accountability, as rd previously considered, Instead, it is a path towards It. If you treat employees like adults, they will act like adults. If you give employees control over big decisions, they will become increasingly responsible and conscientious, Give freedom to get responsibility.

@ErinMeyerINSEAD #GLS23 

Secretary Condoleezza Rice Interview 

How do you deal with your past? 

Own your past, it has shaped you, but never become a prisoner of it!

There are no victims. When you consider yourself a victim you give your identity to someone else. 

Don’t let that sense of remorse and mourning overcome what needs to be done in that moment. What is the most important thing for me to remember? Sometimes you have to make it up on the fly. Acknowledge we will make mistakes but the biggest mistake may be not acting. 

GLS is all about leadership and leading where you are. When you don’t anticipate the roles, talk about your view of principle leadership. What does leading where you are mean to you? The sense of this is someone you can trust. Integrity is the bedrock of leadership. If you ever lose trust, that’s the one thing you can’t get it back. People need to be able to trust your word. Gossip and talking behind backs erodes the confidence of the organization. Develop trust and protect it. 

Use narratives in creating a vision and opportunities for people to move forward. People react to stories. 

The United States of America is a country of immigrants…We are a country that believes it doesn’t matter where we came from, it matters where we are going. 

Know what you are trying to achieve. In negotiation, be a good listener first. If you can take yourself out the equation for a moment, listen to what others are saying and find interest overlap. Move towards yes. If you’re just transmitting you won’t hear those important little clues. List first for a better sense of what is possible. 

Great leaders are able to meet people where they are. 

Know where people are before telling them where they have to go. 

Listen to those who you disagree with. 

No human being likes to be told that everything is up in the air and has to change. Begin to give a sense of what values are timeless and what values will continue. What truths can you continue to hold onto. 

Not everything is a nuclear war. Sometimes it’s just paper clips. If you are constantly in a state of crisis, as a leader, others will pick that body language up. You can not drive the people who work for you 24/7/365. 

The first thing to always remember is there have always been harder times. Remember the stories of what our ancestors have overcome. Human beings are resilient. 

We keep making the impossible seem inevitable in retrospect.

Erwin Raphael McManus – It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Think Like One

Some people are structured for failure.

Am I structured for failure? Have I allowed myself to build the architecture? Will I die with my talent unspent and unknown?  

There’s nothing you will ever go through that will create in you internal limitations. All limitations within you are created by you. You have 100% capacity to remove the structures of failure and replace them with structures for success. 

Your greatest challenge will not be overcoming the weight of failure, but the weight of success. It’s not failure that cripples us, it’s not failure that moves us to self descriptive behavior but it’s success. Success becomes a heavy weight to bear. 

Genius has been placed within you. One of the best proofs you were created by God. 

The challenge though is that when you choose to live a life that’s average…you have a much wider span for error. 

The facts always inform the past, not the future.

Genius is given to everyone, but only a few choose to live in that genius. 

Will you settle for the ordinary version of you? 

Pat Gelsinger – From Cow Pies to Computer Chips

Sometimes your greatest challenges in your greatest dreams become your greatest learnings.

Everyone needs a Career Map:

M = Mentors; People who make you better. Find them and listen to them.

A = Audacious Goals; Bigger than you, set and exhaust them.

P = Passions; Purpose; What has God given you to do?

Every great person can point to their mentors. The people who helped shape their life.

Mentoring with ____ is like going to the dentist without getting Novocain. Mentors make you better. Diamonds in the rough. 

5 Leadership L’s

Listen: Listen first before you pollute the room with your opinion.

Learn: Learn one new thing every day.

Link: Connect the silos, see what others don’t see.

Lift: Be the positive influence, lift the countenance, cast vision.

Love: Their company, their people, the mission.

Ask open ended questions with the goal of learning. Be curious. Unrelenting thirst for knowledge. Don’t listen to the signal, listen to the noise, the dissident opinions, those who don’t agree with you. Have humility and be open to change every day. How will I change today? Most of my great ideas have come from communities and those I normally would not have listened to. 

Audacious goals are about things that are so much bigger than you.

If you have no direction, any path will get you there. 

Set a plan for what you want to do with the rest of your life. 

A God sized goal that guides you. 

The most important thing a leader does is making sure the most important thing is the most important thing. 

Sometimes it takes 11 years. Then God says, “The vision that I gave you, now’s the time.”

Is digital becoming more or less important in your life? Everything digital runs on semiconductors. 

Technology is generally neutral, it can be used for good or bad.

Find things you’re passionate about and your days will be short and your career will be successful. Live in those passions. 

You’re going to have crappy days…it’s all about how you respond to those crappy days. It’s called work for a reason. 

If everyone knows they are loved, your people will show up differently tomorrow. 

What is your career map? Do you demonstrate the 5 Leadership L’s everyday? 

@PGelsinger #GLS23

Dallas Jenkins From The Chosen

We want 1+billion people to experience the authentic Jesus through The Chosen. I want it to take hold in people so that they want to know & love Jesus more. Every step of the way, including the logistics & the sets, are all in service of that WHY.

I got to a place for the first time in my life where I was genuinely okay if I didn’t make another movie, and that became a superpower. I think that’s when God said ok, now you’re ready for The Chosen. 

When you have a dream but no resources: It’s a superpower when you’re genuinely ok if you don’t succeed. It’s not your job to feed the 5,000. It’s your job to provide the loaves and fish. 

I’m not motivated by the success The Chosen has had, and I’m not demotivated by the criticism I’ve gotten.

The director is the immune system for the film. This applies to other industries. 

As the immune systems your responsible for culture and environment. 

Practice Preventative Maintenance. Get ahead of things before they escalate. The temptation is to move faster. Sometimes you need to stop for 5 minutes and determine how to be efficient to move forward. Gather together and create a plan to move forward. 

Communicate don’t complain. Complaining isn’t results driven, it’s just a reaction. Communication is saying something now before getting to the stage of complaint. Build a culture where you say something before you’re upset.

While filming The Chosen I realized that Jesus is the God of the intimate and the personal. Each time He called them to follow Him, He did it in a personal setting. The vast majority of the big moments in scripture are personal.

When you can see Jesus through the eyes of those who actually met Him, and you can identify with their questions, struggles, and doubts, maybe you can find the answer to those questions that they found.

Replace the temptation with a bible verse or anything that triggers you to replace the temptation. 

When facing intense criticism: Replace the habit of defending yourself with something that fills you. When I’m doing the work that will result in praise or criticism, I only focus on the work, creating the scene. 

Top 3 things you want a leader to know:

1 Develop your communication skills

2 Understand people. Study psychology so you understand people.

3 Serve people. Instead of, “What am I going to accomplish?” Say, “Who am I going to serve?”

Realize each person is different. This speaks to service as well as empathy. 

Anita Elberse – Establishing a winning culture. 

A winning culture is not something you just get, it requires year after year effort. 

Set a high standard for everyone. 

Winning is about attitude. This starts with your attention to detail.

No job is too small, even for the CEO. Indicate that every job matters. 

Put people at the center. I don’t run cars, I run people who run cars. 

Analyze your mistakes…even when you’re winning. 

Analyze not just why you lost but also why you win. Then you can replicate the win. 

You dont have to do great things … just do small things in a great way. 

Foster an open, no blame, culture.

Stay away from assigning blame to one individual. Have their back. 

Own your own mistakes. Did I not provide the right tools? Did I provide the right training? See it. Say it. Fix it. Everyone bares the brunt of the mistakes that were made. 

Trust superstars but maintain authority. Forced the drivers to face their own selfishness and who they impacted – the engineers, the factory workers, and their families

Relentless battle complacency. Think about your competition and try to be better than them. Leaders can shape a winning culture through their mindset, values, and actions.

Effective leaders understand that different stakeholders require a different approach. You set the culture.

Albert Tate – Lead Where You Are

You can have a hard season and still be a good leader.

Don’t you once thing this disqualifies you from leadership. 

You’re here not because you are a perfect leader but because you are a growing lead. Lead where you are. Start surrendering. Manna for the day. God is not a Costco God. 

Lead from right where you are, trusting God’s portion of manna for the day.

Trust God with the portion He provides for you daily. 

Keep showing up. The world needs your leadership today. Don’t wait for whatever it is you think you need. Never quit. Do not under estimate the power of just showing up.

Just keep leading, just keep leading, just keep leading.

On the other side of sacrifice is resurrection. Now is not the time to give up. You’re just getting started. 

James Clear

The Aggregation of Marginal Gains

1% improvement in nearly everything we do. 

Test a dozen different pillows, find the best and bring this to the hotel from now on. 

Having never won the Tour de France, winning 5 of 6. 

The pathway to unlocking success. 

Not radical changes but small improvements over time. 

Excellence is not about radical changes, but about accruing small improvements over time. 1% better every day, 38% better in a year. Real life is not exactly compounding interests but it still shows the process of behavior change every single day. 10 minutes a day. The person who always goes to be a little smarter…is different over the course of their life. It compounds, transforms, and multiplies. 

Habits are the compound interest of self improvement. 

Time will magnify whatever you feed it. 

Be the architect of your habits. Trajectory over position. 

The problem isn’t you, the problem is your system. 

You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.

Creating a goal of selling a million books isn’t hard. There, goal. The hard part is your systems to make the goals happen. 

Your current habits are perfectly designed to reach your current results. 

You want an alignment between your desired outcome, your results, and your daily system. 

How do we change a habit? How do we adjust the system. 

Habits are broken into 4 different stages. 4 different levers you can pull to change habits. 

1 Cue – initiate the habit. Visually see the cookies.

2 Craving – brain makes a prediction. Cookies will be sweet and enjoyable. 

3 Response – walk over and take a bite. 

4 Reward – it is sweet and enjoyable 

If the behavior is not rewarded, it’s hard for your brain to make this into a habit. 

Let’s remember the steps you went through and repeat the process. 

Notice different cues and reward your brain. 

4 Laws of Behavior Change

Law 1 Make it Obvious – a viable and easy to see. 

Law 2 Make it Attractive – the more appealing the more likely to do it

Law 3 Make it Easy – remove friction and barriers

Law 4 Make it Satisfying – the more enjoyable the more likely you return in the future. 

Go through these 4 steps and ask how you will make it more obvious, attractive, easy, and/or satisfying. If you want to break a bad then do the opposite. 

Make it Invisible – block and hide.

Make it Unattractive – find the downside and negative

Make it Difficult – Remove steps and add barriers 

Make it Unsatisfying – remove the reward

Example for Law 1: Make it Obvious. Water over Soda.

Adding the prevalence of water in the environment. Move soda to the back and hidden. Some percentage chose the option just because that option was presented to them. The items on your kitchen counter influence the choices you make. People watch too much TV because the living room is designed for this. What is this space designed to encourage. Adjust to your real desires. The cue needs to be obvious. 

Example of Law 2: Make it Attractive. Go for a run. 

When you text a friend and ask them to meet you for a run. The run itself hasn’t changed but you’ve changed the calculation. Making snooze less attractive. A commitment device. When you make the choice in the present to lock in your future habit. Sticking to a positive habit in a negative environment is hard. Swim upstream for a day but eventually the gravity will pull you back. Get alignment. 

Example of Law 3: Make it Easy. The two minute rule. 

Whatever habit you are trying to do, scale it down to 2 minutes. Read 30 books a year because read one page. Working out means just physically going to the gym. The heaviest weight at the gym is the front door. Master the art of just showing up. A habit must be established before it can be improved. Standardize before you optimize. 

Example of Law 4: Make it Satisfying 

Helpful when you make progress visual. Habit tracker. See that showing up is meaningful for the right path. 

The secret is, is not about the habits it’s believing in yourself. Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. Identity change. It’s about who you are and becoming. The goal isn’t to do a marathon the goal is to become a runner. Or a reader. Or a meditator. I’m the type of person who ___. This gives you reason to stick with the story. The true reason habits matter is every action you take is a vote for the type of person you Wish to become. 

“The true reason habits matter is every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become…How can you get 1% better today?” 

@JamesClear #GLS23

Henry Cloud – 5 Principles on Trust

How many of you have experienced hurt in a relationship? You are wired to trust. You do it naturally, like you breathe. You can’t do anything without trust. Humans get life from outside of themselves because we have a Creator — so we have to trust.

Story: President and CEO conflict. Fixed through a process. What were the ingredients? How did these two people end up there? 5 things! Am I doing these? Am I looking for these? 

1 Understanding: We trust someone when we feel like they understand us. It starts with listening. You don’t hear a word until you feel like they hear you and get you. 

“He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him.” Proverbs 18:13

Ask: Do they know, that you know, what it feels like to be them?

2 Motive: We feel people’s motives. We feel when someone is for us. It’s not about what you are driving. You want their good. A betrayal is when one party acts without the interest of the other. 

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.“ Philippians 2:3-4 

Ask: Do your people feel that you actually want them to win, that you’re for them?

3 Ability: The ability to get done what you are asking them to get done. 

Sometimes we trust globally, but we need to trust contextually. Going into business with a friend. Asking a boyfriend for tax returns…I don’t care what the tax records say, I just want to make sure he can find them. 

Ask: Do they have the ability to pull off what you have entrusted to them? 

4 Character: What’s their character and make up. Will they do what you need them to do? Do they need praise when there won’t be any check in’s for a year? 

Ask: Do they have the makeup you need? 

5 Track Record: The best predictor of the future is the past. 

It’s more than just saying you are sorry. Sorry is good but sorry is what sorry does. You need a new track record. Forgiveness is free but trust is earned. People build maps of you based on every interaction. You can overcome mistakes but you have to see the new track record lived out. 

Ask: Does the track record point to trust?

Am I doing these 5 things? 

Look for these things in the people you are wanting to trust.

Liz Bohannon on Loneliness 

2 amazing trends we participate in during 2020. 

Pregnancy. Quarantine kids. 

Purchasing a bidet. Toilet Paper Gate.

There is a specific struggle a lot of people have. Specifically successful people. 

Sargent General issued an 80 page advisory. Single highest health threat. The problem is loneliness. We have all known it and felt it. When you don’t have the support systems. 

20% of people who are lonely feel comfortable talking about loneliness but 58% of Americans feel this way today. 70% of leaders feel lonely. If you happen to be in the 70% know you are not alone in handling loneliness. You are not unlucky or unlovely. You dont’ have to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Your loneliness is not an accusation of your unworthiness. It is a signal that you have an unmet need for connection. We’re building/designing a culture with a primary intent of individualism.

The percentage of time people are spending alone vs the time people are spending with friends. Today it has dropped 59% compared to just a few years ago. Every single demographic is more lonely today over just a few years ago. Healthy servant leadership means you are called to bear the burdens of the people you are leading. 

Before you can go create a healthy community and support for others, you need one yourself. Outside of your work where you can be transparent and open. This enables you to be stronger and healthier so you can make a greater impact in the long run. 

75 year study: Greatest predictor for physical health was retaliationships. 

Your friendships are not taking away from your business. They are making you more successful in business. You have to make time for connection.

The way we are living and the loneliness we are experiencing is not inevitable. 78% of young people in America feel lonely. The globe is not reflecting this as much as America. 

What’s working? 

The Commune Community. 

Showing up and meeting a need.  

Knocking on the door and asking for help. 

How? Today. What step?  

1 Go First. You have to go first. If you are waiting for someone else to invite you into community, it’s not going to happen. Breaking ground. Prioritize time. Invite and treat the time seriously. Go first with vulnerability. Invite to the fire pit. 

2 Pay Your Dues. It takes about 90 hours from stranger to acquaintance to friend. 200 hours to get to the most meaningful side of friendship. The average founder needs 8600 hours to break even. 

3 Develop the skill of reflective listening. In all relationships. 

Summit Resource Library Cheat Sheet

Matthew 26:38 “He told them, ‘My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.’” Jesus is showing us that we were created to need each other. This isn’t a flaw it’s a feature of being made in the image of God. 

We’re all a bunch of hope dealers. 

We are all asking ourselves, what would you think if I sang out a tune…

Michael Junior 

When I’m talking about giving, I’m not talking about tithing. That’s just called, not stealing.

Conflict is the key to a happy marriage and people turn it the wrong way. Without conflict there’s a small chance to get a relationship. 

Information + Conflict = Revelation

“I have 5 kids, and I love them”…that’s just information. 

Compromise is like a spare tire. It will get you to the next generation but it’s not built for a long haul. Why purposefully live with compromise in marriage? 

Learnings from the pandemic. First, you are not essential. There are rules when you hug. Hugs only last 1.4 seconds. Tap, Tap, Release. Left hand over, right hand under. If you’re 5’2” you’re below the hug zone. 

Everything up to the conflict was just information. 

The revelation is: God was saying, do you trust me, I’ve got you. 

God will use a heckler in your life to get you to where He wants you to be. If you don’t have any hecklers, you’re probably not doing anything.

Jamie Lima

Have you ever set a goal and never went for it? Have you ever sabotaged your goals? 

You can have a vision for it but deep down inside if you don’t believe you are worth of it, you’ll never get it or you will sabotage it along the way. 

God can dream a bigger dream for us than we can for ourselves. 

When it comes to our life, you will only ever achieve the dream He has for you, when you believe you are worthy of it. 

3 of the 24 tools on how to build unshakable self worth.

Tool 1: When you understand the difference between self-confidence and self-worth, it will change your leadership. Self Confidence is how you assess your own skills and abilities. Internal and fluctuates by circumstances. Advertisements try to tell us that if you can just get the things to get more confident then you’ll be happy but it’s not true. Self Worth is the deep internal knowing that you are innately worthy of love and belonging exactly as you are. Not as you achieve or your job title, but innately worthy. 

Employee retention and employee loyalty grows when layering self worth more than self confidence. 

Tool 2: When you change your relationship with rejection, you change your entire life. The fear of rejection and failure has most of us canceling ourselves out of our own calling before we even try. 

What’s the first thought you have when you face rejection or failure? “Proof you are not enough.” This is your current definition of rejection or failure. The assigned meaning is so painful you stay stuck. When you assign a new definition to rejection and failure, replace the old one, that changes everything.

You need to implement new definitions of rejections as they happen to you. Flip the meaning and belief it. Rejection is God’s protection! Imagine God saying to me, “You were not rejected, I just hid your value from them.” 

What would you do if you had no fear of rejection or failure? What would this do in your friendship and relationship? 

Tool 3: If you are one of the brave ones willing to show up in your leadership as who you truly are…you are first. Being first can be scary and not everyone getting you. Braving being first is the only way to live the truest, highest expression of God’s call on your life. 

Ryan Leak 

Success is often determined by the circle we grew up in. What is my definition of success? We can often pick up other people’s definitions of success. When leaders stop growing, organizations stop growing.

Our leadership can be marked by WHAT we want to accomplish or WHO we want to impact. For MY definition of success, sometimes I have to say no to some things. I would hate for the people who barely know me to give me a round of applause and the people who barely know me to think I’m a fraud. 

Even if that means that you think that I’m a little less success. The people who know me best…Every leader has to realize that someone adopts your decision of success. 

What’s it like to be on the other side of you? Are you inspiring or intimidating? Do they enjoy or endure following you? People could enjoy following us…they could endure following us.

Good leaders are consistently trying to be interesting. 

Great leaders are consistently trying to be interested.

What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail. Failure is the tuition you pay for success. If you want to be successful as a leader, the admission price is a little bit of failure. Don’t talk yourself out of being brave. How do you know you are going to fail, unless you actually try? “Just Do It!” 

Chasing failure took me further than chasing success ever did.

There’s something powerful about a leader that puts themselves out there and decides to keep it moving.

You’re a lot further than you used to be because you were willing to fail things. 

You’ll never know if you’re an exception to a rule unless you’re willing to try something exceptional.

Cynt Marshall

Take a Risk

Make a Difference

Do the Right Thing

Love the People

There is a difference between doing things right, managers do that, but leaders are doing the right things. 

Listen to the people.

Learn from the people. 

Love the people. 

Love the people, including the people with baggage. Help them serve their families and meet their needs. 

People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. Teddy Roosevelt

All IN:






Values for your organization shouldn’t just be on the walls… they should live in the halls.

Love the people enough so they create a team. 

Leading with intent and integrity – values













Diversity is about counting the numbers. Inclusion is about making the numbers count. Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance. You can have a person at the table, but you need to teach the the culture and the expectations to truly include them. Inclusion is a choice!

Just because you’re right doesn’t mean I’m wrong.

Patrick Lencioni

The world is changing so much! The world is very different than 20 years ago. 

3 critical virtues any leader must have. 

1 Wisdom. 

Know the right thing to do.

Wisdom is why we are here. To know why you do what you do. Your God given virtues. 

2 Humility. 

Jesus introduced humility into leadership and society. Until Jesus, lowering yourself and making yourself last was preposterous. The chief virtue.  

3 Courage.

Most critical today, compared to 20 years ago. 

Courage, comes from the Latin for heart. 

Esther – The queen stepping into the role where the previous queen was disposed of. A plot to eliminate the Israelites. Perhaps you are here for a time such as this. You don’t have to answer God’s call, but if you don’t, He will choose someone else. You do not have to have courage and choose to answer God’s call, but if you do not, someone else will.

Mary – Going to be looked down on. When everyone else ran, she stood at the cross. With child but not married. Social, political, personal courage to be the mother of Jesus. 

Joan of Arc. 1400 years into the future. Mark Twain wrote a book about Joan of Arc. Based on transcripts of her trial. Age 15, hears the voice of God. England controlled France and she was called to liberate her nation. She was illiterate, poor, and from a remote town yet she told people about it. Completely ridiculed and persisted. Demanded to go to regional leader to request the king. Went back over and over until convincing him she heard the voice of God. Trial for sincerity. Proved to the King she heard the voice of God. At age 17, she was the head of the French army to lead the fight of a war. Think of the courage for a 17 year old girl to believe the call and to lead the army. Her prediction proved true. She was captured in battle. On trial without representation. She wouldn’t renounce her call and she was put to death. 

How do you do that today? What is courage today? 

Note: Always with love and always with joy.  

The evil one likes it when we don’t think he’s there. Know who you are fighting against. Don’t give in. Don’t get bitter. 

Personal Courage: Alone with God. Do I really want to be the person God is calling me to be. Am I courageous enough to see the truth and acknowledge it? 

Public Courage: Stand in front of others and declare I am a follower of Jesus and believe what He taught us. I have the public courage to stand and proclaim this, come what may. All are called to have public courage. 

Interpersonal Courage: When sitting with our colleagues, talking with our neighbors, sitting with family and something comes up. Am I going to lovingly say something? Will you just stay out of this? If you love someone, remember truth with grace is necessary. Truth without grace is obviously not love and grace without truth is not love either. 

Today we as a culture lack interpersonal courage. What are we afraid of? Death and imprisonment. How many of us face this today? Today we fear the loss of our livelihood. Where you work today, if you really let people know what you believed you would not be welcomed there. 5 years ago, this wasn’t as big of a thing. Today it’s exponentially growing. Not rumors. We live in a culture today where being a follower of Jesus and a leader puts us at risk of losing our livelihoods. 

Why should we have courage?

We lose our fear. More likely today the fear is the loss of social isolation. Losing comforts and conveniences. Being worried about not being invited to thanksgiving vs being fearful for not being alive for thanksgiving. 

Fear goes away when we finally say we are a follower of Jesus and having courage. 

Courage serves others. Other people will be called to a greater courage themselves by your example. 

Jesus did this first. 

Peter and John were flogged and they were let go. They rejoiced because they were deemed worthy to suffer for Jesus. Jesus said the world will hate you because it hated me first but don’t worry, I’ve overcome the world. 

Stand and say, “YES, I’m a follower of Jesus.” 

Joan of Arc – a 17 year old going to battle. People ask, “Aren’t you afraid?” She replied, “I am not afraid for God is with me. I was born for this.”

Craig – Everyone wins when the leader get’s better. 

5 closing thoughts. 

1 Sometimes leaders go off script. The moment of authentic is more impactful than the prepared. 

2 Leaders never lead alone. Honored to stand by her while she was leading. 

3 Leaders invest in their own leadership. I didn’t think of myself as a leader until 20. Tell people they are leaders, regardless of their age. 

4 Leaders keep on leading. You don’t have to be on the platform to be a great leader. 

5 Leaders change the world. That’s what you do, that’s who you are. 

You are chosen, you are called, you are set apart, you are equipped.

When you walk in, light walks into the room. 

Your leadership matters.

Who are you, you’re a leader. 

Now go out and do what leaders do. Leader’s change the world. 

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